Running the tests


Add basic summary of tests - what is tested (e.g. includes packet loss); mention dummy hardware; all orchastrated by script.


Should have instructions both for testing from checked-out code, and testing from installed RPMs

How to test the Software without installing the RPMs?

uHAL/ControlHub testing instructions:

  1. Setup environment

source uhal/tests/
  1. Run the tests - these are all contained within the script (under uhal/tests), and are divided into sections (e.g. TEST IPBUS 1.3 UDP ; TEST IPBUS 2.0 CONTROLHUB ; TEST uHAL GUI), which can each be run individually.

cd uhal/tests
# To run all IPbus 1.3 tests
./scripts/ -c etc/uhal/tests/dummy_connections.xml -s 1.3
# To run all IPbus 2.0 tests
./scripts/ -c etc/uhal/tests/dummy_connections.xml -s 2.0

N.B: To retrieve the full list of available sections, and find out the command-line options, just do -h.