git command cheatsheet¶
N.B. To learn about the development workflow (including branching strategy) that is used for the IPbus software and firmware repositories, please take a look at the Development workflow page
To clone the whole repo, and work from the default branch:
git clone <repo_url>
To clone the whole repo, and switch to branch/tag my_cool_feature
git clone -b my_cool_feature
Switching working copy of repo to a different branch, tag or commit¶
git checkout <commit-sha-or-name-of-branch-or-tag>
To check what files you have changed:
git status
To add files to ‘staging area’ for the next commit:
git add path/to/some-file path/to/another-file
To create commit from current contents of the ‘staging area’:
git commit -m "A useful, but not too long, message that explains this commit's purpose"
To push files to the remote repository’s branch that the current local branch is tracking:
git push
Removing a file or directory¶
git rm path/to/file-or-directory
Modifying the most recent commit¶
Scenario: You just created a commit (probably not even pushed to remote repo); after creating the commit, you realised that you forgot to add a particular file / change, or screwed up the commit message
Add to the ‘staging area’, any changes that you want to include in the commit (skip this step if you just want to change the commit’s message):
git add path/to/some-file path/to/another-file
Amend the last commit to include changes currently in the ‘staging area’; this command brings up you default text editor allowing you to change the commit message as well
git commit --amend
Modifying multiple commits¶
Scenario: You created a series of commits on the current branch (maybe not even pushed to remote repo), but you now realise that you screwed up the messages for several of them.
Letting N
be the number of commits that you need to go back in order to include all alterations …
git rebase -i HEAD~N
To create an annotated tag, named myCoolTag
git tag -a myCoolTag -m "The message for this tag" <commit-sha>
To push that tag to the remote named origin
git push origin myCoolTag