Release procedure

Rules of the game …

  • Releases are identified by the standard 3-tuple of version numbers, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

    • RPMs additionally have a “release” field that is used to distinguish between pre-releases (alpha/beta) and final releases, and to convey changes between 2 copies of an RPMs that only concern the packaging itself

  • There are two types of releases: pre-releases (i.e. alpha/beta) and final releases

    • Final releases are identified solely by the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH 3-tuple. All tests must pass on all of the supported operating systems before a final release is created.

    • Pre-releases are used to provide preliminary version of the next release, for testing by collaborators, e.g. to provider early RPMs for a new supported OS, or to confirm a bugfix works as intended before creating a final release.

  • Compatibility between releases (only applies to final releases):

    • Fundamental rule: Users should not see any adverse effects if the software is upgraded from version X.Y.Z to X.Y.Z+1, and should not have to recompile their C++ code

    • So, you should:

      • Increment the RPM RELEASE number if the only changes since the last release concern RPM packaging (e.g. certain files forgotten from specfile in last release, or had incorrect permissions)

      • Increment the PATCH version number if there were no backward-incompatible changes to the packages’ public ABI and to the expected behaviour since the last release

      • Increment the MINOR version number if significant features were added or bugs fixed, but the expected behaviour of the public API did not change in a backward incompatible way.

      • Increment the MAJOR version number if the public API changed in a backward compatible way.


An annotated git tag should be created for each release. The following naming convention should be used for the git tags of releases:

  • Full release vX.Y.Z

  • Pre-release prerelease/vX.Y.Z/alpha.N

This naming convention should stop (possibly numerous) pre-release tags from cluttering up the final tags when viewing lists of tags, since they’re separated off in a separate ‘subdirectory’.

Package versioning

The convention for the version and release fields (i.e. my-package-<version>-<release>.<arch>.rpm) of the IPbus software RPMs are based on the Fedora package versioning guidelines , as well as similar pages.

The version field contains the package’s major, minor and patch version numbers in the usual X.Y.Z format.

The release field for a normal release (i.e. not pre-release) is a integer greater or equal to 1, followed by the OS tag (e.g. slc6 or centos7). However, for a pre-release, the release field is set equal to 0.series.N.os, where series is equal to to alpha or beta, and N is an integer, equal to 1 for the first pre-release in that series, incremented by 1 for each subsequent pre-release in the same series

For example, for the X.Y.Z release, and the pre-releases that led up to it:




First alpha pre-release



N th beta pre-release



Final X.Y.Z release



Final X.Y.Z release, with changes that only affect RPM packaging


N, where N > 1

Pre-tag checklist

  1. (Not required for pre-releases) Check that all the tickets are closed for this release at

  2. (Not required for pre-releases) Check that there were no errors in the automated builds and tests for the commit that you’re thinking of tagging

  3. Update the RPM version and/or release numbers (in Makefile) for all packages that have changed since the previous release, or depend on other packages that have changed since the previous release

  • N.B: Always update RPM version numbers to the number of the new release, even if this means increasing the RPM major/minor number by more than 1

  • Also, when increasing the version numbers of a package, remember to reset the RPM “package release” value (the N in RPM name <package>-X.Y.Z-N.<arch>.rpm) to 1.

  1. Update ci/yumgroups-slc6.xml and ci/yumgroups-centos7.xml if there are new packages in the release (or packages that you want to exclude from this release).

Procedure for a normal release

N.B. In all commands below, make sure that you replace X.Y or X.Y.Z with the major.minor or full version number for the release.

  1. Before even considering making the tag: Go through the pre-tag checklist

  2. Make a tag for the new version, and push to GitHub (the commands below assume that GitHub is the remote named origin in your repo):

git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Creating vX.Y.Z release tag" <commit hash>
git push origin vX.Y.Z
  1. Wait for the automated build to run on the tag - its current status can be found at ; check that none of the build or test jobs fail.

  • If any of the jobs do fail, then investigate the cause, and solve the problem before making the release public, removing the tag from the repo if necessary.

  1. YUM repositories

  1. For a new major or minor release: Copy over the YUM repos created by the automated build

ssh ipbus@lxplus
mkdir /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y
for PLATFORM in slc6_x86_64 centos7_x86_64 centos8_x86_64 ; do
  mkdir -p /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/repos/$PLATFORM/{base,updates}/RPMS/
  cp -r /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/ci/tags/vX.Y.0/latest/repos/$PLATFORM/* /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/repos/$PLATFORM/base/RPMS/
  cd /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/repos/$PLATFORM/updates/RPMS
  createrepo -v .

For a new patch release: Copy over the new RPMs created by the automated build, and update each YUM repo

ssh ipbus@lxplus
for PLATFORM in slc6_x86_64 centos7_x86_64 centos8_x86_64 ; do
  cd /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/repos
  cp /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/ci/tags/vX.Y.Z/latest/repos/$PLATFORM/*X.Y.Z*.rpm $PLATFORM/updates/RPMS/
  cd /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/repos/$PLATFORM/updates/RPMS/
  createrepo -v .
  1. Test if the YUM repositories are working correctly by attempting to install the new RPMs on a different machine (or a docker container), for each release - using the end-user installation instructions.

sudo yum clean all      // May be needed
sudo yum groupupdate ipbus-sw
  1. Run unit tests (with same commands as in automated test jobs) on each of the test-install machines.

  1. Copy the doxygen API documentation from the automated build to the release area

ssh ipbus@lxplus
mkdir -p /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/api
rsync --recursive --delete --verbose  /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/ci/tags/vX.Y.Z/latest/api_uhal/html /eos/user/i/ipbus/www/sw/release/X.Y/api
  1. Update the user’s guide to point to the new release, i.e:

  • Major/minor release only: Update doxygen links

  • Major/minor release only: Update URLs in the repo files that are referenced in the YUM install instructions

  • Update the “check out and compile uhal from tag” instructions at Installing the software

  1. Announcements

  1. Write the release announcement post for the IPbus website, and update the version number displayed on the homepage

  2. Announce the new release by sending an email to

  1. CMS Puppet snapshot Update the CACTUS RPM pool and inform CMS sysadmins to take a new snapshot of the repository. Also update the Puppet snapshots twiki page. Do not ask to deploy unless it’s been agreed to. FIXME The naming convention for the snapshots is “cactusA.A_uhalB.B_tsC.C.C_YYYYMMDD”. To update the pool:

ssh cactus@cactus-worker-x
cd nightly
./ X.Y
  1. Finished!

Procedure for a pre-release


To be filled in.