μHAL (v2.7.9)
Part of the IPbus software repository
Go to the documentation of this file.
42 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
43 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
59 double totalSeconds =
measureReadLatency(aClient, aBaseAddr, aDepth, aNrIterations, aDispatchEachIteration,
60 double totalPayloadKB = aNrIterations * aDepth * 4. / 1024.;
61 double dataRateKB_s = totalPayloadKB/totalSeconds;
62 std::cout <<
" --> " << aNrIterations <<
" reads, each " << aDepth <<
" x 32-bit words, took " << totalSeconds <<
" seconds" << std::endl
63 <<
"Total IPbus payload received = " << totalPayloadKB <<
" KB\n"
64 <<
"Average read bandwidth = " << dataRateKB_s <<
" KB/s" << std::endl;
70 double totalSeconds =
measureWriteLatency(aClient, aBaseAddr, aDepth, aNrIterations, aDispatchEachIteration,
71 double totalPayloadKB = aNrIterations * aDepth * 4. / 1024.;
72 double dataRateKB_s = totalPayloadKB/totalSeconds;
73 std::cout <<
" --> " << aNrIterations <<
" writes, each " << aDepth <<
" x 32-bit words, took " << totalSeconds <<
" seconds" << std::endl
74 <<
"Total IPbus payload received = " << totalPayloadKB <<
" KB\n"
75 <<
"Average read bandwidth = " << dataRateKB_s <<
" KB/s" << std::endl;
" *** Skipping soak tests since '--quick' flag was used ***");
" *** Skipping soak tests since '--quick' flag was used ***");
" *** Skipping soak tests since '--quick' flag was used ***");
114 HwInterface
hw = getHwInterface();
116 std::vector<ClientInterface*> lClients;
A class which bundles a node tree and an IPbus client interface together providing everything you nee...
An abstract base class for defining the interface to the various IPbus clients as well as providing t...
static bool runValidationTest(const std::vector< ClientInterface * > &aClients, const uint32_t aBaseAddr, const uint32_t aDepth, const size_t aNrIterations, const bool aDispatchEachIteration, const bool aVerbose)
void report_tx_performance(ClientInterface &aClient, const uint32_t aBaseAddr, const uint32_t aDepth, const size_t aNrIterations, const bool aDispatchEachIteration)
double measureWriteLatency(ClientInterface &aClient, uint32_t aBaseAddr, uint32_t aDepth, size_t aNrIterations, bool aDispatchEachIteration, bool aVerbose)
ClientInterface & getClient()
Get the underlying IPbus client.
UHAL_TESTS_DEFINE_CLIENT_TEST_CASES(BlockReadWriteTestSuite, block_write_read, DummyHardwareFixture, { std::vector< size_t > lDepths=getBlockUnitTestDepths(quickTest ? N_1MB :N_10MB);for(size_t i=0;i< lDepths.size();i++) { const size_t N=lDepths.at(i);BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" N = "<< N);HwInterface hw=getHwInterface();std::vector< uint32_t > xx;xx.reserve(N);for(size_t i=0;i!=N;++i) { xx.push_back(static_cast< uint32_t >(rand()));} hw.getNode("LARGE_MEM").writeBlock(xx);ValVector< uint32_t > mem=hw.getNode("LARGE_MEM").readBlock(N);BOOST_CHECK(!mem.valid());BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mem.size(), N);if(N > 0) { BOOST_CHECK_THROW(mem.at(0), uhal::exception::NonValidatedMemory);} BOOST_CHECK_THROW(mem.value(), uhal::exception::NonValidatedMemory);BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(hw.dispatch());BOOST_CHECK(mem.valid());BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mem.size(), N);if(N< N_10MB) { bool correct_block_write_read=true;std::vector< uint32_t >::const_iterator j=xx.begin();for(ValVector< uint32_t >::const_iterator i(mem.begin());i!=mem.end();++i,++j) { correct_block_write_read=correct_block_write_read &&(*i== *j);} BOOST_CHECK(correct_block_write_read);} } }) UHAL_TESTS_DEFINE_CLIENT_TEST_CASES(BlockReadWriteTestSuite
void report_rx_performance(ClientInterface &aClient, const uint32_t aBaseAddr, const uint32_t aDepth, const size_t aNrIterations, const bool aDispatchEachIteration)
double measureReadLatency(ClientInterface &aClient, uint32_t aBaseAddr, uint32_t aDepth, size_t aNrIterations, bool aDispatchEachIteration, bool aVerbose)