μHAL (v2.7.9)
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log_inserters.time.hpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "uhal/log/log_inserter_helper.hpp"
#include "uhal/log/log_inserters.time.hxx"
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struct  uhal::TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2, D2, T3, D3, T4, D4, T5, D5, T6 >
 A struct whose template parameters represent a time format. More...
class  uhal::_Time< FORMAT >
 Forward declaration. More...
class  uhal::_Time< FORMAT >
 Forward declaration. More...




typedef TimeFmt< day,'/', mth,'/', year,' ', hr,':', min,':', sec > uhal::DefaultTimeFmt
 Typedef the most commonly used time format (day/month/year hour:minut:second) for convenience. More...


enum  uhal::time_element {
  uhal::null, uhal::year, uhal::yr, uhal::strmth,
  uhal::mth, uhal::day, uhal::hr, uhal::min,
  uhal::sec, uhal::usec
 Enumerated type defining the different elements which can be used for formatting a time. More...


_Time< DefaultTimeFmt > uhal::Time (const timeval &aTime)
 Helper function which wrap the template uglyness in a pretty package. More...
template<typename FORMAT >
_Time< FORMAT > uhal::Time (const timeval &aTime, const FORMAT &aFmt)
 Helper function which wrap the template uglyness in a pretty package. More...
template<time_element T>
void uhal::print (std::ostream &aStr, const tm *aTm, const uint32_t &aUsec)
 Format a time element for for sending to the log. More...
timeval uhal::Now ()
 A helper function to return the current time. More...
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1, char D1, time_element T2, char D2, time_element T3, char D3, time_element T4, char D4, time_element T5, char D5, time_element T6>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2, D2, T3, D3, T4, D4, T5, D5, T6 > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1, char D1, time_element T2, char D2, time_element T3, char D3, time_element T4, char D4, time_element T5>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2, D2, T3, D3, T4, D4, T5,' ', null > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1, char D1, time_element T2, char D2, time_element T3, char D3, time_element T4>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2, D2, T3, D3, T4,' ', null,' ', null > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1, char D1, time_element T2, char D2, time_element T3>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2, D2, T3,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1, char D1, time_element T2>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1, D1, T2,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0, char D0, time_element T1>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0, D0, T1,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null > > &aTime)
template<time_element T0>
std::ostream & uhal::operator<< (std::ostream &aStr, const _Time< TimeFmt< T0,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null,' ', null > > &aTime)