Brief introduction to IPbus
The IPbus protocol is a simple packet-based control protocol for reading and modifying memory-mapped resources within FPGA-based IP-aware hardware devices which have a virtual A32/D32 bus.
The IPbus suite of software and firmware implement a reliable high-performance control link for particle physics electronics, based on the IPbus protocol. This suite has successfully replaced VME control in several large projects, and consists of the following components:
IPbus firmware - A module that implements the IPbus protocol within end-user hardware.
ControlHub - A software application that mediates simultaneous hardware access from multiple uHAL clients, and implements the IPbus reliability mechanism over UDP [#f1]_
uHAL - The Hardware Access Library (HAL) providing an end-user C++/Python API for IPbus reads, writes and RMW (read-modify-write) transactions.
N.B. Any loss re-ordering or duplication of the IPbus UDP packets is automatically corrected by the ControlHub, using the IPbus reliability mechanism, such that packet loss does NOT have to be considered when using the uHAL API if all control traffic is routed via a ControlHub.
Further reading
The most recent paper describing IPbus is from the proceedings for TWEPP2014
C. Ghabrous Larrea, K. Harder, D. Newbold, D. Sankey, A. Rose, A. Thea and T. Williams, “IPbus: a flexible Ethernet-based control system for xTCA hardware”, JINST 10 (2015) no.02, C02019. DOI:
When referring to the IPbus software and/or firmware in a publication, please cite this paper.